Event Date :28-3-2024
Short Summary of Event :Campaign Work: Interface meetings with police, service delivery Department (Dept of Women and Child Development), Government of Karnataka.District level Dialogue with concerned departments and CBO networks on laws related to trafficking of women and Children, Sex work Its Challenges, Difference between adult consenting sex work and trafficking
Supported/ Collabration by :DLSA, District Police department, Women and Child development department, DCPU Belagavi
Notable Guests : Mr. Muralimohan Reddi-DLSA, Smt. Shneha-DCP PV, Mr. Mahantesh Bhajantri-DCPO, Smt. V Susheela- Spandana Association , Smt. Mamata Y- Gamana Mahila Okkuta Bangalore and Smt. Poorna R- Advocate and Alternative legal forum Bangalore.